MU Today Celebrating One Manchester


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  • Haff is promoted to assistant controller

    by Anne Gregory | Apr 26, 2022

    Katherine Allen Haff has been promoted to assistant controller in the Office of Financial Services. She is a member of the Manchester Class of 2008 and has been employed at Manchester since 2011

  • Trovinger named pharmacy distance pathway director

    by Anne Gregory | Apr 22, 2022
    Sara Trovinger has been named pharmacy distance pathway director at Manchester University.
    The program is awaiting final word from the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) about adding the distance option for its four-year Doctor of Pharmacy degree. The plan is to begin this fall. Learn more.
  • Celebrate Education Ceremony

    by Anne Gregory | Apr 22, 2022
    The Harry H. Henney ’35 and Jeanette Henney Department of Education at Manchester University honored two alumni, Michelle Keim and Leslie Marlatt, with Warren K. and Helen J. Garner awards at its end-of-year Celebrate Education Ceremony.  Learn more.
  • Giving Day raises more than $167,000

    by Anne Gregory | Apr 21, 2022
    More than 300 generous donors stepped up on Manchester Giving Day 2022! April 20 brought in more than $163,000 for The Manchester Fund. Learn more.
  • Publication by Kathryn Marwitz and Marwa Noureldin

    by Anne Gregory | Apr 20, 2022
    Marwitz K, Noureldin M. A descriptive analysis of concomitant opioid and
    benzodiazepine medication use and associated adverse drug events in United States adults between 2009 and 2018. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social
    Pharmacy. 2022. Marwitz and Noureldin are assistant professors of pharmaceutical sciences.
  • Publication by Jessica Huett

    by Anne Gregory | Apr 18, 2022
    Huett JL, Wessel RD. Exploring best practices in preceptorships: Preceptor
    selection. Athl Train Educ J. 2022;(17)1):106-116. doi:10.4085/1947-380X-21- 004. Huett is an assistant professor of exercise science and athletic training and coordinator of athletic training clinical education.
  • Pharmacy residency matches

    by Anne Gregory | Apr 13, 2022

    The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) recently announced nearly 5,000 individuals matched with 2,430 pharmacy residency programs across the country in ASHP’s 2022 Pharmacy Residency Match.
    At Manchester, we recently learned about two additional matches:

    • Lucas Shelly, from the Class of 2022, has matched with a PGY1 residency program at Mercy Health-St. Vincent Medical Center in Toledo, Ohio.
    • A graduate of the Class of 2021, Dylan Walker, has matched with a PGY2 residency program in cardiology at TriHealth Bethesda North Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • MU Smash brings home championship trophy

    by Anne Gregory | Apr 13, 2022
    For the third time in a row, Manchester University Esports Super Smash Bros. Ultimate team brought home the Great Lakes Esports Conference championship. Learn more about the championship game. Check out our new epsports page!
  • Humphries conducts world premiere

    by Anne Gregory | Apr 11, 2022

    Scott Humphries, director of bands and music education, will conduct the world premiere of The Crossroads by Anthony O’Toole with the Fort Wayne Area Community Band. It is 7 p.m.  Tuesday, April 12 in the Auer Performance hall at Purdue Fort Wayne.

    The work was commissioned for the band’s 40th Anniversary celebration.

    O’Toole will be on the North Manchester campus on Wednesday, working with music composition majors and the Symphonic Band, and he will give a music department masterclass at 7 p.m. in Wine Recital Hall.

  • Updated pages for health sciences, esports

    by Anne Gregory | Apr 08, 2022
    Nate Haywood in marketing has updated the health sciences page, adding the College to Career tool, and revamped the esports page. 
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